you are the one can make me laugh you are the one can make me cry
I always reffering my self as time bomb...tak suka lah nak marah2 nk melazer2 sgt tapi org mcm aku ni very the dengerous.. senyap2 hepi2 suddenly it come out just like that vasss babombbb....cantik menarik kau memang da' bomb haloo kuar topik kiah..that's why i planned nak lah gak melazer mana2 yg patut bukan nak become rude or tunjuk kepala angin but i have too lah if not org pijak kepala kita. i have to learn from my best friend z**ie and also my sifu hazalia a.k.a haz*l. Imagine the person that you respect the most lah alah2 your immediate boss kan tetiba sound2 manja bangang gitu.. "berapa berat badan you" perlukah?!!! haloo its not affect my performance which i know better than you harus terpaksa angkat bakul sendiri tau...and sometimes in govt your attitude so kampung when the time you call it proffesionall.."you can't go to oversea sebab nanti all the pengarah bising sbb you baru and the course is not for our skim" oh my god so childish lah haiyyaa mcm lah i very the angkat tgn and menangis golek2 just for the sake of nak g oversea....ayooo ini org ha pencen lagi baik tau duk umah jaga your kucing yg dah nazak itu...
its so hard to can you control the way of people think the way of people act. Sometime you kena korbankan perasaan hati just to make sure everything back to normal so you can work better and do what ever you want to do without anything that pusing2 and kacau your mind and your feeling......
diri mawar yang terpinggir terkadang di puja terkadang tersingkir. hati disebalik tenangku bagai kaca musnah terhempas ke batu.....
Hem suka la baca blog uol... lucu!! Perlukah keluar lagu "Mawar Terpinggir" Francesca Peters segala? hahaha
alah darling biasalah menghiburkan hati tapi konsep tetap lagu2 yg menusuk jiwa dan kalbu
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